--> 3 Recommended Site for Parsing your HTML Code | Blogging By Doing

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Monday, January 16, 2012

3 Recommended Site for Parsing your HTML Code

| Monday, January 16, 2012
Accordingly, there are 3 recommended site for parsing the HTML code. Here they are.

1. Centricle.com, the rule here is simple. Paste your HTML code in the box given there and then click Encode button. It will showed the parsed code that can then be pasted back in your blog. Click Decode button to return back your HTML code. Here is the screenshot.

2. Blogcrowds.com, quite same with number one's rule. Paste your HTML code in the box given there and then click red Parse button. It will showed the parsed code that can then be pasted back in your blog. Here is the screenshot.

3. Accessify.com, the last one has different name, it called quick escape (i.e; parse or decode-decode). Paste your HTML code in the box given there and then click Convert to escaped characters -> button. It will showed the parsed code that can then be pasted back in your blog. Here is the screenshot.

That's all. I hope it is useful.

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